Please complete all the sections and, once completed, answer the math captcha question to the left of the Submit button, click your “tab” button to set the answer, and then click the “Submit” button to send us your information. Thank you!

Do you have any physical or medical conditions or illnesses that might prevent your full participation in Company 4 actives?

Have you ever been a member or employee of another fire or rescue organization?

If YES, have you ever been removed from or refused membership in the above company(s) or any other fire or rescue organization?

Do you currently hold any of the following Fire/Rescue Emergency services certifications? (check all that apply.)

Do you have any of the following FEMA Incident Command System certifications? (check all that apply)

Please list any other experience, paid or volunteer, that you feel might benefit Flint Hill Volunteer Fire & Rescue. Examples include but are not limited to: accounting, grant writing, fundraising, food preparation/cooking, facility cleaning, lawn & grounds maintenance, organizational skills, medical care experience, etc. Please know that Company 4 encourages all who qualify and who are willing to volunteer their time to apply.

Are you an active or separated member of the US military?

If separated, was the separation under other than honorable circumstances?

Have you ever had your vehicle driver’s license suspended or revoked?

Have you ever been arrested for any violation other that minor traffic violations?

Personal References: Please provide three-character references unrelated to you.

I acknowledge: 1) If I am elected to Company 4, it will be on a 6-month probationary basis after which time the Board of Directors and/or membership committee of the Company will make a recommendation to the membership who will vote on permanent membership status. 2) If I am elected to probationary membership status, I shall be expected to comply with all Company 4 by-laws or risk an extended probationary period or loss of membership. 3) My attendance will be required at Company 4 activities, resulting in periodic demands upon my time. 4) All operational members are expected to regularly attend scheduled training. NOTE: A background check and driver’s license check are required for all applicants. The undersigned applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Company 4, its officers and directors and employees, from any consequence resulting from this application and the revelation of any information therein, including but not limited to any third-party actions claiming injury based on this application and the revelation of any information therein. Further, applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless sources of information regarding the applicant, including but not limited to references and other fire and rescue organizations and their members.

Junior Membership Parent or Legal Guardian Approval (Complete only for applicants ages 16-18)

14 + 5 =

A note on the above form: Once all sections have been completed, type in the answer to the captcha math question, click your Tab button to input the captcha answer, and then click Submit. If you don’t submit the Captcha answer prior to submitting the form, we will not receive your information. Thank you!